Time out — A morning boost

I know, I have only made one post so far, so I hardly deserve a break. It was a long one, okay! I suggest you go check it out, as this one relates to Aloe health benefits in the sense that I am discussing another healthy how to.

Here is a tip for a morning boost to kick start your metabolism, as well as give yourself an exhilarating wake up. Now I am in no way a health professional, nor do I make any claims that this actually will burn all of your fat off in a day, but nevertheless, here it is.

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2oz Apple cider vinegar

1 dash of cayenne pepper

1/2 large lemon

1 Chunk of Ginger (cut off about an inch and a half of a tubule).



Seriously, just throw all of this into your favourite bottle — I chose a blender bottle because it holds more water ( 22oz). Fill the rest with water and a few ice cubes. Because I like my water cold as can be. Enjoy — sorta. Doesn’t taste the greatest, but you get used to it.

Here is why it works:

Apple Cider Vinegar-

-Gives you a burst of energy and boosts metabolism

-Assists in food digestion


-Teeth whitener

-Weight loss aid

-Allergy relief

-Candida Cleanse

-Soothes sunburn

-Repels fleas


-Skin toner

-Removes warts

AND many other benefits.

WHY: Apple Cider Vinegar contains  compounds such as acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics and enzymes.

For more information and elaboration on each of these benefits you can get from Apple Cider Vinegar, check out this article, and let me know in the comments if you’ve tried and can attest to these claims: https://draxe.com/apple-cider-vinegar-uses/

Cayenne Pepper – 

-Anti Irritant



-Prevents Migraines

-Digestive Aid


-Joint pain relief

-Anti Bacterial

-Promotes life longevity

-Weight loss

-Heart health

WHY: It is full of vitamins, as well as a chemical called capsaicin (which is currently being tested as a pain reduction resource).  Most of my information for cayenne pepper came from https://draxe.com/cayenne-pepper-benefits/

Lemon – 

-Vitmain C (anti-aging)

-Polyphenol Antioxidants that reduce weight gain

-Aids digestion

-Freshens breath

-Citric Acid could prevent kidney stones

More information can be retrieved from http://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/benefits-of-lemon-water#5

**Give this recipe a try and let me know how you feel after, as well as any variations you may have heard of.

We have these sites to thank as my sources:



